Nabucco Pet Food


This treat, also known as Yak cheese for dogs, is considered the best dog treat. This 100% natural treat is without preservatives. The cheese does not contain gluten, is low in lactose and rich in protein and calcium.
The milk is then transformed into cheese and pressed, dried for a minimum of 12 weeks.
It is a real treat for our dogs: the perfect chewing gift!

- odorless treat
- fully digestible
- without coloring
- low Lactose
- low in fat and salt
- long life expectancy

XS approx 20/25gr, for very small dogs, packed by 5
S approx. 41gr Dogs up to 5Kg
M approx. 80gr Dogs from 5 to 10Kg
L approx. 140gr Dogs from 10 to 20Kg
XL approx. 205gr Dogs from 20 to 30Kg
GIANT approx. 265gr. Dogs from 30 to 50Kg